For SOPAC archive data and products use username = "anonymous" and password = your e-mail address, if prompted.
02/21/2024: Added links to select combination time series, individually by station
GPS/GNSS geodesy contributes to a wide range of scientific and societal applications including tectonic motion, crustal deformation, natural and anthropogenic processes and hazards, including earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, the cryosphere, extreme weather, sea level rise, climate change and hydrology. Our NASA MEaSUREs project “Extended Solid Earth Science ESDR System” (ESESES) provides the basic infrastructure, data and data products in support of these applications in the form of Earth Science Data Records (ESDRs). The project is a long-lived collaborative effort of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) encompassing about 30 years of data. NASA's CDDIS Archive of Space Geodetic Data (CDDIS Main Page; CDDIS Slides) is the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) for our project. Our products are directly accessed here at CDDIS (need to create a NASA Earthdata account) with a landing page describing the project. The ESESES website is hosted by the Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center (SOPAC).
Project Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) (username: anonymous; password - your e-mail address)
Coordinates and Velocities (most recent)
View videos describing our project and products:
Overview: Bock & Moore Video (NASA Earthdata Webinar 9/28/2022) & Slide Deck
Overview: Bock Video and Poster, (presented at 2021 SCEC Annual Meeting, 9/13/2021)
MGViz Overview: Moore Video, 5/16/2022
Hydrology and Water Storage: Argus Video, 11/15/2021
Displacement Grids: Guns Video, 1/8/2022
ETS Transients: Liu Video, 1/20/2022
Troposphere Delays and Precipitable Water: Moore Video, 3/23/2022
Seismogeodetic Earthquake Catalog: Golriz Video, 4/27/2022
MGViz Overview: Moore Video, 5/16/2022
Our MGViz product viewer is powered by the open source Multi-Mission Geographic Information System (MMGIS) developed at JPL for viewing Mars mission data (Calef, F. J., Soliman, T. K., Roberts, J. T., Gengl, H., & Dahl, L.).
Please use this reference to acknowledge our project:
Bock, Y., A. W. Moore, D. Argus, P. Fang, D. Golriz, K. Guns, S. Jiang, S. Kedar, S. A. Knox, Z. Liu & A. Sullivan (2021), Extended Solid Earth Science ESDR System (ES3): Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document, NASA MEaSUREs project #NNH17ZDA001N, (username: anonymous; password - your e-mail address)
02/21/2024: Added links to select combination time series, individually by station
08/24/2023: NASA User Profile: PI Bock and project were highlighted in NASA EARTHDATA web portal
07/29/2023: AWG Award. A member of our team Angelyn W. Moore has won the 2023 AWG Professional Excellence Award in the Government/Regulatory category from the Association of Women Scientists (AWG). This award recognizes exceptional women who have made distinguished contributions in their professions throughout their careers. Congratulations Angie!
06/21/2023: New NASA Award. We have been awarded a five-year project, “Geodesy-Based Enhanced Solid Earth Science ESDR System (ESESES) for Research and Discovery” (22-MEASURE22-0037), by NASA's Earth Science Division. This is our fourth five-year MEaSUREs project. The review summary states: "PIs propose to continue the very successful production and enhancement of continuous, global GNSS-related ESDRs to address timely and important tectonics, geohazards and climate science objectives. The expertise of SIO and JPL teams make this effort an essential part of the Earth Science program at NASA."
05/15/2023: Water storage product for Western North America updated until end of March 2023 (2006.042_2023.208)
05/15/2023: ETS transient product updated for new event 2022/09-2022/11
01/15/2023: ATBD document updated
12/07/2022: Water storage product for Western North America updated until end of August 2022 (2006.042 to 2020.625)
09/29/2022: ETS transient product updated for three new events (2021-2022)
09/28/2022: NASA EarthdataWebinar: NASA CDDIS GNSS Products for Disaster Monitoring, Crustal Deformation, Extreme Weather, and More (Bock & Moore)
07/13/2022: Added list of problematic stations in Western North America
06/08/2022: Uploaded MGViz Video
06/01/2022: All ESDRs are now archived at the CDDIS DAAC
03/29/2022: Updated Project Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) (username: anonymous; password - your e-mail address)
10/26/2020: A member of our team, Dr. Donald F. Argus (JPL), received the 2020 George P. Woollard award from the Geological Society of America. In recognition, he has been invited to present the Geophysics and Geodynamics Division Woollard Lecture on Tuesday, 27 October 2020 at 5:30 PM- 7 PM (East Coast time) on the topic “Change in water at Earth's surface from GPS elastic displacements and GRACE gravity California drought and Rise of the Great Lakes.” Congratulations Donald!
1/21/2020: Welcome to the NASA MEaSUREs project